Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Our baby's time!!


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Niagara Falls here we come!!

We are going back to one of our favorite vacation spots-Niagara Falls, Canada. We figured since we are moving to Florida, it will be hard to get back up there again, and we certainly won't be able to drive there anymore. So, one more trip. This will keep my mind off the waiting. My youngest daughter said the funniest thing. She said she wanted to go to the place in Canada where the rocks go really deep but she couldn't think of the name. I had no clue what she meant. She started getting frustrated that I didn't know what she was talking about. Finally I said-The Grand Canyon? She said yes. I had to tell her that no we can't go there and it isn't even in the right country! Kids are funny. She then wanted to change our trip to drive there instead. I explained how long that drive would take and she understood. The last time we drove to Niagara she was 23 months old and potty training.We had a potty in the car with us. The eight hour drive took 11 because every half hour she would say she had to go and we would pull over. I was tempted to put a diaper on her but I didn't and she was totally trained by the end of the trip! It is a funny story to tell her.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I Hate Being Right!!!!

I thought the wait times were going to increase, then I didn't, but I kind of knew they would even though I was told they wouldn't-following me so far? Now at least one agency has officially changed to 18-24 months! After one follows the rest. Mine ridiculously still says 14 months-come on now! So, I was right. It makes so much sense. There are several families ahead of me at 20 months already. So where does that leave me?? It is mid-June and I anticipate still grouching on here until October. I am bummed but not as irritated as I usually am. I think I already knew and it already sunk in a bit ago. Oh well, what can we do? We are at the mercy of the adoption process now. No turning back and I don't want to turn back. This is kind of fun. Weird huh?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I Didn't Fall!

Well, I made it through the wedding without one trip and the heels stayed on all night! My feet got numb after a while, so it all worked out. My joints still ached and I felt kind of ucky so I had a couple of drinks and the pain went away! All in all I think it went well. My daughters looked beautiful and Billy looked as handsome as he did at our wedding 12 years ago.

As far as any new news goes, the answer is the usual NONE. This is ok, though. I have accepted it. I feel like it isn't too far in the distant future now. Maybe we will break a worlds record for waiting. Actually I think there are many families way past me at this point. He will be cute and worth it. I just don't want to end up traveling during the Chinese New Year. I have heard everything is closed and very expensive. Flights are very expensive also. So, please some news by August. Not likely, I see me flying smack dab during that time. I will go with the flow. Take what I can get. I just want to kiss his little cheeks or chunky cheeks. Any cheeks!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Now I don't know what to think!

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Well, with the logjam of families that applied when I did, I was sure the wait times were going to change, but now I have heard otherwise. I thought 18-24 months was going to be the new norm, but now me along with the others that are backed up from the immense popularity of Taiwan at that time, are now in the unknown. Will we wait over 20 months or will we be chosen earlier. Nobody seems to know, but apparently after the increase in wait times happened, applications dropped and for those families way behind me, it seems good news. An eventual drop in waits. Not good for us families in the unfortunate situation of having applied when we did. So, for the other families waiting with me, our time will come. We will come out of this black hole. Our children will be even more precious after waiting for them for sooo long and what a story we can tell them someday.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Wait Will Continue

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Well, the verdict is in. The wait times are going to change to 18-24 months. Ah, what is a few more months. Maybe we will be on the shorter end of it. I was prepared for another three months anyway. That will be 20. It is still possible. I believe everything is happening for a reason. For instance, I just got diagnosed with Lyme disease today and I feel like crud. So, a referral now would not be good. I look at it that way, but then again why would Lyme disease happen for a reason. That is not a nice thing to do to a person. Who knows. So when I feel better, the call will come. My problem at this moment is not the baby but the fact that I am in a wedding in three days and I feel like my limbs are going to fall off. Life-it is full of surprises.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Shedding Some Tears Today

Well, the rumor on the adoption group is that the wait is going to change-AGAIN!! The third time for me. First we started at 8-10 months. Then we got to ten months and it changed to 12 months. We got to twelve and it changed to 14-16. We are at 17 and there is a rumor, which makes my stomach churn, that the orphanage is contacting agencies to let them know that the wait is changing to 18-24 months and there are still 12 families waiting from the end of 2005. I am the last one from 2005. Today I broke down. I cannot handle this anymore. Enough is enough. I am ready to give up. I cried and got into bed and slept. I also threw some food on the kitchen floor. It is better than throwing lamps. I woke up to my daughter telling me to come into the kitchen. It was now dark and she and my husband had made me cinnamon rolls. That cheered me up. I checked my email and there was a response from my caseworker saying that she too had heard the rumor and will contact the orphanage early in the week. So the agonizing wait continues.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

"To Fall or not To Fall"-that is the question!

So, I have this wedding next Friday. All four of us are in it. My sister-in-law is getting married and I am the maid of honor. Well, I have never been in a wedding before, except for mine of course, but that doesn't count. I also haven't been to a wedding in a loooooong time. And I haven't worn heels in a super loooooooong time. So, I bought the shoes and they are high, which makes sense since they are called high heels, but they really feel high. I feel like I am standing on toothpicks, but they don't look that unusually high. I just think I stink at walking in heels. My concern is at what point am I going to trip at the wedding. Rugs are great, nice shiny dance floors are not. So, my guess is that is where I will fall. They look good though.