Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Our baby's time!!


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Now I don't know what to think!

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Well, with the logjam of families that applied when I did, I was sure the wait times were going to change, but now I have heard otherwise. I thought 18-24 months was going to be the new norm, but now me along with the others that are backed up from the immense popularity of Taiwan at that time, are now in the unknown. Will we wait over 20 months or will we be chosen earlier. Nobody seems to know, but apparently after the increase in wait times happened, applications dropped and for those families way behind me, it seems good news. An eventual drop in waits. Not good for us families in the unfortunate situation of having applied when we did. So, for the other families waiting with me, our time will come. We will come out of this black hole. Our children will be even more precious after waiting for them for sooo long and what a story we can tell them someday.


Ann said...

We can visit the looney bin together, have a drink then celebrate when we finally get our children.

Erin Ly said...

Hey there Jen,

I know sometime, in the not too distant future, I will look on this blog and see the adorable face of your son. Keep your chin up. :) The wait will be worth it.
